The Newsroom

All the latest on Illumio in the press and media

Media Coverage


SC Media

NIS2 Widens Scope Of Key EU Security Directive

Trevor Dearing, director of critical infrastructure at Illumio, explains the implications of the NIS2 Directive to SC Media.

Dark Reading

5 Hard Truths About the State of Cloud Security 2024

John Kindervag, the godfather of Zero Trust and Chief Evangelist at Illumio, tells Dark Reading everything you need to know about cloud security


Millions of Americans' Data Potentially Exposed in Change Healthcare Hack

Trevor Dearing explains to Infosecurity why attackers continue to target the healthcare sector

CSO Online

Consolidation Blamed for Change Healthcare Ransomware Attack

Illumio's Raghu Nandakumara outline the cybersecurity challenges that consolidation in the healthcare brings.


Why You Should Rethink OT security for the Cloud Era

Trevor Dearing, Director of Critical Infrastructure at Illumio, explains why organisations need to rethink OT security.

Federal News Network

Tips for Agencies to Improve Cloud Security Posture

Gary Barlet explains why enhancing cloud security requires a concerted effort from federal agencies.

Intelligent CISO

Experts React to Leicester City Council Cyberattack

Illumio's Trevor Dearing explains the implications of the attack on Leicester City Council.

Security Boulevard

Confidence in the Cloud Starts With Visibility and Zero-Trust

Illumio's Raghu Nandakumara explains how organizations can improve cloud security by adopting a Zero Trust security strategy.

Washington Technology

How to Maximize the Impact of Zero Trust's Next Phase

Illumio's Federal CTO, Gary Barlet, explains the importance of Zero Trust for federal agencies.

American City & County

Beyond the Barriers: Maximizing ROI in Cybersecurity in Local Government Organizations

Gary Barlet, Federal CTO at Illumio, explains how local government organizations can strengthen their cyber resilience

SC Media

Five Ways to Implement Zero Trust Based on NSA’s Latest Guidance

Founder of Zero Trust, and Illumio's Chief Evangelist, John Kindervag, provides his recommendations on how to implement Zero Trust effectively following the NSA's latest guidelines.


UK Government Releases Cloud SCADA Security Guidance

Illumio's Trevor Dearing explains why it's good the NCSC has recognised the risk of connecting SCADA systems to the cloud and shares his thoughts on best practice for security.